Firefighter Entrance Exam and Interview

The Firefighter Entrance Exam is your secret weapon to getting hired as a firefighter.

Our book is a comprehensive preparation system designed to help you ace the written exam and then smoke the oral interview to become a firefighter. Competition is fierce! Give yourself the knowledge and confidence to get a top score and get hired. Our book walks you through every step of the hiring process, starting with the application and taking you all the way through the oral interview. Our book even includes a practice written exam! Here are a few of the topics our book focuses on:

Handling the Application Process Correctly
Far too many candidates begin the process with a strike against them due to problems with their application. We explain every step of the process and how to avoid costly mistakes.

Proper Study Habits
Many people don’t have a great deal of time to study, or were never really taught the best way to study. Our book will show you the best habits to create so that you make the best use of your time.

Written Firefighter Entrance Exam
Our book will walk you through each and every one of the topics that appear on a written firefighter entrance exam. You will learn valuable skills such as time management, when to skip questions, and when to guess. Then you will get to test your knowledge on our practice test.

The Secondary Tests
There are several tests that occur after the written exam. We walk you through each part of the physical exam, psychological test, and medical exam. After all of your hard work we won’t let one of these trip you up!

Oral Interview
This book will help you smoke your interview. This is where most qualified candidates end up failing. Our book is different because we provide you with real interview questions. Each question is analyzed and accompanied by key talking points, and a sample answer. It is by far the best way to prepare for an interview.

Competition is fierce for firefighter jobs. Study hard use our book to succeed!


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